Wine Journal for iPhone and iPod Touch

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Is Apple Screwing With Us Again?

For iPod Touch users, the keynote on Tuesday was bittersweet. On one hand, they can now get the same apps as the iPhone - Mail, Stocks, Weather, Maps, and Notes. On the other hand, it costs them $20.

This is pretty crappy in my opinion. I will say I am not an iPod Touch user, but I did get caught in the iPhone price reduction fiasco. I personally even didn't care too much about that even - the cost of early adoption, etc. But this is a disturbing trend. It would be one thing if the cost of the iPod Touch went up $20 to accommodate the new features, but that's not the case. So early adopters of the Touch now pay $20 more than what someone who buys a brand new iPod Touch.

I'm not saying that Apple isn't deserving of the $20. It costs money to develop software, host it, sync it, etc. But at least make it fair. Or logical even.

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