Wine Journal for iPhone and iPod Touch

Monday, October 09, 2006

Now Target Begins To Whine

Okay, it's one thing when Wal*Mart starts to whine, but now Target?

Target is saying they'll have to "rethink their investment in the DVD business" if online download pricing doesn't level out with DVD sales.

Um, hello people. If I am hogging up my precious bandwidth for 30-60 minutes to download a movie at "almost DVD" quality, no packaging, no bonus material, no ability to burn it onto a real DVD and all sorts of other limitations, it BETTER be cheaper than a real DVD.

Update: Motley Fool has an excellent rebuttal that Hollywood should send Wal*Mart and Target:

Dear Wal-Mart and/or Target,

Congratulations! We concede to your demands. You can now have the same wholesale pricing as our digital downloading partners do. Please keep in mind that you will be required to burn your purchases for your eventual customers and provide the clamshell with original artwork. The disc will contain just the movie at a feasible streamed compression quality. You will pay us immediately. Naturally you will swallow any returns.

It has been a pleasure doing business with you. Let us know if you would like to revert to the old pricing and product specs in order to hold off your obsolescence for a few years longer.

Your friend,


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