Wine Journal for iPhone and iPod Touch

Friday, June 09, 2006

Think Commodore.

Think Commodore Web Site
Any generation X computer geek fondly remembers the Commodore 64. LOAD"*",8,1 is something that is forever stuck in your mind, along with the 1541 disk drive, 300 baud modem and datasette tape drive. I fondly remember my brother (2poppy) and I staying up until all hours of the night programming Mad Libs in basic.

Now there's a site for the Commodore 64 dedicated to Apple users - Think Commodore. Find emulators, equipment, information and more.

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2poppy said...

What I wouldn't do to read those old MadLibs based on Transformers! Good times. Also loved playing SubLogic Baseball, the perfect game for baseball geeks.

Anonymous said...