Wine Journal for iPhone and iPod Touch

Monday, June 12, 2006

iLuv iPod Video Dock

In what I think is a first, the iLuv Video Dock docks your 30GB or 60GB iPod with video to play videos on a spacious 7-inch screen.

For the cost of $249 USD, you get the dock, carrying case, 3 power sources (outlet, car & battery), headphones, remote, cables, and straps for your car headrest. And if that's not all, it also plays DVD, VCD, Audio CD and MP3 CDs. Sounds like a great value, assuming the screen is bright and sharp.

I could especially see the value if you took a lot of long road trips with the kids - just load up your iPod with a couple of dozen movies and not have to worry about keeping track of DVDs all over the car.

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